Volume  3
Contents                 Page

Editor's Letter ......................................................1

Portraiture- part 1........................................... 28
Portraiture- part 2 .......................................... 58
Portraiture- part 3 .......................................... 82

Random Musings ................................................ 6
Studio Tour- part 1........................................... 46
Studio Tour- part 2 .......................................... 90

Five Stages of Line Drawing ......................... 10
The Third Way of Drawing ............................ 16
Reference Sources ........................................... 22
Fine Detail- part 1 ........................................... 36
Scraping the Spectrum ................................... 42
The Art of Suggestion- part 1 ....................... 52
Fine Detail- part 2 ........................................... 62
Time- part 1 ...................................................... 68
At the Core of Art ............................................ 72
The Art of Suggestion- part 2 ....................... 76
Time- part 2 ...................................................... 86

Fighting with Infinity ......................................... 99
        In Volume 3 there is an in-depth examination of linework, from blank paper right up to the point in every drawing at which tonal values start to be added, as well as three articles covering the drawing of very fine detail in "The Third Way of Drawing" and "Fine Detail- parts 1 & 2".
        There is a two part article all about where precision meets illusion in the "The Art of Suggestion- parts 1 & 2" and a good look at the types, uses, advantages, and pitfalls of visual reference sources and of course the good old 4th dimension always present in all this with "Time- parts 1 & 2", explaining how to find the most possible and then use it to your best advantage in the studio.
        The 3-part cover feature of this issue is all about the ever-popular genre of portraiture along with a few more esoteric offerings about the psychological why's and wherefore's of serious engagement with artistic intent, and a comprehensive photographic essay all about the physical spatial reality that is Sea of Pain Fine Art Productions in "Studio Tour- parts 1 & 2".
100 pages
42983 words
149 captioned images
random excerpts from DWBJ-3
click on images to enlarge
all words and images copyright
Sea of Pain Fine Art Productions